during wintersession i took a screen printing class. so fun! here are some products made. mostly experimenting because there are too many possibilities with the design's color, placement, shirt color, registration, and everything else.
the class is having a show. poor photo of the printed poster though. ink has glitter in it. digital version on the right.
here are some print designs and experiments:
first thing ever exposed and printed. ghost town buildings.
oriental rug pattern composed of oriental things. mainly pagodas.
fossil pattern. overkill shirt on the right (i thought it was funny)
lol shirts for sam's birthday. what a collaborative effort. rosie's idea. rosie's picture. eric's design. marissa's donation of shirts, rosie, joohee, me screen printing a bajillion.
made valentine cards for everyone in studio. the ink is a gold, glittery deep red and it says love you like a fat kid loves cake. thanks to 50 cent.
happiest shirt ever. if you are in a bad mood, this guy will cheer you up. so happy.
this guy:
still have some funny cards i will print soon.
just when i got the hang of printing/got better at printing the class is ending :(.